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In it
for the love of it!

Rajby Industries' love for research is evident in its commitment to investing in R&D, state-of-the-art facilities, continuous improvement, collaboration, and innovation culture. These efforts are critical to driving innovation, improving product quality, and staying ahead of the competition in a rapidly changing market.

Two Mile Wear

Two Mile Wear

Retro Maniac

Retro Maniac

Untamed Nights

Untamed Nights

Extensive Research

Our R&D team goes through several cycles of research, development, and testing to arrive at the final product or process. The goal of our R&D research process is to create innovative solutions that meet the evolving needs of customers and the market. Rajby Industries' R&D efforts have also focused on process improvements and automation to increase efficiency and reduce the costs of the sampling process.

Minimum Waste

Rajby Industries is investing in research to optimize its production processes to minimize waste. We are exploring new materials and processes that reduce waste and improve efficiency. We are working towards a zero-waste goal by 2030. We are investing in R&D to achieve this goal by exploring new technologies, improving processes, and collaborating with other organisations.

Design for sustainability

Rajby Industries designs products that follow circular economy principles. We explore ways for product recyclability and investigate closed-loop systems for waste reduction and resource conservation. We are aiming to position ourselves as a leader in sustainable design practices.

Let’s collaborate to reincarnate denim for the modern age